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Hey There

At retreat travel we help people organize and experience life changing and life enhacing retreats. With our uniqe blend of spiritual awareness and the skills for adventurous self development we bring you services to develop your sports events into successes. 


Connect with us for more information. 


Just for the general and basic rules: below you can find the terms for services provided and the privacy policy we apply. 


Privacy Policy & general terms and conditions

Your information:

We do not sell or use your information in ways outside the direct scope of connecting with you for providing services based on your requests to us.  


General terms & conditions:

We provide you with supports and creative ideas to create memorable and sustainable retreats that bring together activities and mindfullness. 

We love working together with holistic coaches who bring value to society. 

We do not aim for big profits, but just to create a world of peace where our services cater to well-being. Therefore we do not make grand promises, nor write long scores on terms and conditions for service. We maintain fairness and compassion in working together. 

We aim to communicate and to trust that the universe provides all the lessons and mostly loving connections for working with you as a client. 


Connect with us and find out how we love to enhance your service. 


(in case of international calls)

+ 31 6 877 96 769



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